Subject Leader: Miss R Briggs
“Creativity is nothing but a mind set free.” (Torrie T. Asai)
"You use a glass mirror to see your face. You use works of art to see your soul" (George Bernard Shaw)
"Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what not one else ever thought" (Albert Einstein)
We believe that Art enriches the lives of all. It is our vision that every child at Old Park Primary School should have opportunities to express their creativity through a culturally rich and diverse Art Curriculum where their imaginations can run wild, their creative spirits be set free and they encompass pleasure and enjoyment.
We are committed to providing all children with rich and varied learning opportunities to engage fully in Art and Design.
The purpose of our Art and Design education is to give all pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding of concepts and processes necessary for them to express themselves and fire their imagination and creativity through a variety of media ranging from drawing and painting to sculpture, photography and digital art.
Essentially a practical subject, we ensure that Art and Design provides opportunities for thought, discussion, critical evaluation and reflection of not only other Artists, Designers, Craftspeople but of themselves as Young Artists, Designers, Craftspeople.
In an ever-changing world, Art and Design provides our pupils with opportunities to delve deeper into cultural richness and diversity through the Artists, Designers and Craftspeople that we open their eyes to.